News | 3 min read
September 25, 2013
ICHMOND, Va., Sept. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Dominion Virginia Power has been named a 2013 Green Power Supplier of the Year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The award recognizes green power suppliers that are leaders in offering voluntary renewable energy to their customers.
“This award speaks volumes about the 19,000 customers in Virginia who have chosen to support renewable energy development in Virginia,” said Ken Barker, vice president – Customer Solutions and Energy Conservation. “We are proud to be able to provide our Dominion Green Power® program as an innovative way for our customers to have a positive impact on the planet and support renewable energy to meet some or all of their home's energy needs.”
“EPA is pleased to recognize Dominion Virginia Power's Green Power® program with a Green Power Supplier of the Year award for its innovative leadership in expanding the nation's renewable energy industry,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “Through its support and development of new renewable energy capacity, Dominion Green Power is taking action against climate change and putting our country on a path to a clean energy future.”
Since the program's inception in 2009, participants have supported more than 593,000 megawatt-hours of renewable energy. The generation of this green power has prevented the same amount of carbon dioxide from entering the air as removing 80,400 average cars from the road for one year, or the equivalent environmental impact of planting 10.7 million trees that grow to maturity.
The Dominion Green Power Program® offers customers the option to match their home electricity use with renewable energy by either usage or in fixed monthly amounts. The fixed option starts at $2 and can be increased in $2 increments up to the customers' total energy usage. Each $2 block supports 154 kilowatt-hours of green power. The option based on usage adds 1.3 cents per kilowatt-hour, with a typical household using 1,000 kilowatt-hours paying an additional $13 per month on their bill.
For more information and to enroll in Dominion Green Power, go to www.dom.com/VaGreenPower.
The program is certified by the non-profit, third-party organization Green-e® Energy, which ensures product quality and customer protection. Renewable energy is purchased in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates from recently-built wind, solar and biomass facilities in Virginia and the surrounding region. In 2012, the program supported nearly 34,000 megawatt-hours of electricity from Virginia facilities alone.
In December 2012, Dominion was ranked eighth on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Top 10 Utility Green Power Programs lists in terms of renewable energy sales, and 10th in terms of total number of customer participants.
Dominion (NYSE:D) is one of the nation's largest producers and transporters of energy, with a portfolio of approximately 23,500 megawatts of generation, 11,000 miles of natural gas transmission, gathering and storage pipeline and 6,400 miles of electric transmission lines. Dominion operates one of the nation's largest natural gas storage systems with 947 billion cubic feet of storage capacity and serves retail energy customers in 15 states.
For more information about Dominion, visit the company's website at www.dom.com.