News | 1 min read
August 28, 2017
The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) have begun construction on an $8.3 million project to improve the customer parking experience at Amtrak’s Richmond Staples Mill Road station (RVR).
The station parking lot currently holds 274 spaces for Amtrak passengers boarding the train at Staples Mill. Following completion, the parking lot will more than double its current capacity to 589 parking spaces. It also will include a dedicated bus loading zone, bike racks, taxi/ride-share parking, improved pedestrian accommodations, additional ADA parking and two entrances via Staples Mill Road and Bremner Boulevard.
The construction, which began Monday, August 14th, will take place in three phases over the next year. Phase I and II will involve construction on the properties adjacent to the current Amtrak parking lot and opening a new rear entrance off of Bremner Boulevard. Phase III will involve connecting the new properties to the existing parking lot and resurfacing the entire lot. The Staples Mill Road entrance will be closed during Phase III.
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