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News | 1 min read

‘Signing day’ celebrates seniors heading to jobs, not college sports

April 25, 2018

Public school officials in Henrico County, Va., decided to focus on seniors who will be heading straight to jobs and careers after graduation, armed with training and industry-based certifications they earned in high school. Though signing days are a familiar ritual for high school athletes committing to college teams, doing the same for vocational students is a new concept.

The county held its first-ever “Career and Technical Letter of Intent Signing Day” on March 28 to celebrate those students and their imminent employment.ย Henrico recognized 12 seniors as they signed letters of intent to work as machinists or apprentices with local and national companies such as Rolls-Royce in their aeronautical division, paving and construction firm Branscome Inc., Tolley Electric Corporation, and Howell’s Heating & Air.

Over 5,000 students earn industry-based certifications in Henrico each year, and those certifications represent training that could mean immediate employment for students following their high school graduation.

Read the full story here.